
Double Feature: Trolleybuses & Living Near Freeways

Seattle Transit Blog 2/15 11:00P Mike Orr
Why living near a freeway is bad for your health. (CityNerd) At 15:25 he mentions the Seattle Comprehensive Plan and the Roosevelt neighborhood. Trolley buses are better than battery buses. (Alan Fisher) This is an open thread.

Ridership Patterns for King County Metro Route 44

Seattle Transit Blog 2/12 11:00P Michael Smith
King County Metro’s Route 44 travels inbound from Ballard to UW Station via Wallingford and the University District. Outbound trips travel in the reverse direction. In October 2024, Route 44 had 6,663...

Early Assessment of RapidRide G and Restructure

Seattle Transit Blog 2/9 11:00P Ross Bleakney
It has been several months since the RapidRide G Line opened. Along with the new bus line arguably the region s first BRT line there was a restructure in the area. To get an idea of how effective the new bus line and restructure was, I decided to...

Sunday Movie: Cross-Snoqualmie Pass Bus Route

Seattle Transit Blog 2/9 1:00A Mike Orr
An Issaquah-Ellensburg bus route would fill a hole in the transit network between Western and Eastern Washington. (The Transit Bandit) There s already an Ellensburg-Cle Elum connector, so a new route could have a timed transfer in Cle Elum to...

Tacoma Dome Link Extension Draft EIS

Seattle Transit Blog 2/6 11:20P Wesley Lin
Tacoma Dome Link Extension (Sound Transit) The Tacoma Dome Link Extension will add 10 miles of elevated light rail from Federal Way to Tacoma Dome. There will be four light rail stations at South...

West Seattle Link Forum

Seattle Transit Blog 2/5 9:56P Mike Orr
On January 25th the West Seattle Rethink the Link group invited the public to a forum to learn about the West Seattle Link Extension, and to discuss the pros and cons of bringing light rail vs...

Midweek Roundup: Americans Want Walkability

Seattle Transit Blog 2/4 11:00P Nathan Dickey
Last week, Martin Pagel captured this picturesque scene from the I-90 floating bridge bike path. In it, we can see a contactor has parked a hi-rail box truck near one of the custom-designed railway...

Narrowing the Options for Graham Street Station

Seattle Transit Blog 2/2 11:00P Nathan Dickey
Graham Street Station Project map (Sound Transit) Sound Transit has opened an Online Open House and public survey sharing updates on the Graham Street Station project, one of three infill station...

Sunday Triple Feature: 10 Openings in 2025

Seattle Transit Blog 2/2 1:00A Mike Orr
10 US transit project openings in 2025. (Transit Tangents) This was published December 31. A voice from Texas. Navigating Houston on only public transit. (Transit Tangents) The amazing transit comeback of Los Angeles. (Climate and Transit) This is...

First Snow of 2025

Seattle Transit Blog 1/31 6:50P Mike Orr
Snow is expected this weekend , with mixed rain/snow on Saturday in downtown Seattle. Pure snow showers start early Sunday morning through Monday night, with a possible accumulation of less than half...

I-5 Toll Conversion

Seattle Transit Blog 1/30 11:00P Wesley Lin
WSDOT is currently conducting an I-5 master plan study . The primary focus for the Seattle metro area involves converting HOV lanes into express toll lanes. While the current study won t be finalized...

WSDOT HOV Overview

Seattle Transit Blog 1/28 11:00P Wesley Lin
WSDOT Puget Sound HOV lane map WSDOT has been working on extending and completing the HOV lane system through the Puget Sound region...

Midweek Roundup

Seattle Transit Blog 1/28 12:43A Nathan Dickey
Planned disruptions of the Link 1 Line continue: Shuttle buses will replace train service between U District and Capitol Hill stations this weekend (Feb. 1-2). This weekend is focused on repairing the overhead wire near UW Station which was broken...

Sunday Movie: MAX Tunnel

Seattle Transit Blog 1/26 12:00A Mike Orr
A downtown tunnel could speed up Portland s MAX light rail. (RMTransit) This is an open thread.

Link Reliability Issues Declared an “Emergency”

Seattle Transit Blog 1/25 12:00A Nathan Dickey
On January 21, Sound Transit interim CEO Goran Sparrman identified Link s ongoing reliability issues as an emergency , allowing him to issue a $1.5 million contract to HNTB to plan and design fixes to several problems with Sound Transit s...
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